Russia reveals two new banknotes

The Central Bank of Russia has revealed the new 200- and 2,000-ruble banknotes.

The 200-rubles note is green and shows in the front the Monument to the Scuttled Ships in Sebastopol. The back shows a view of "Tauric Chersonesus" (Southern Crimea). It is printed on high density cotton paper with polymeric impregnation to insure longer life.

The 2,000-rubles note is dark blue and shows on the front the Russky Bridge in Vladivostock, with the Spaceport "Vostochny" on the back. The optically variable security element depicts a stylized image of the bridge against a background of the sun.

It seems they chose a slightly different design for the 2,000-rubles note than previously announced. But if it's a space related theme you won't hear me complaining!

Update 20-10-2017: Ukraine has officially banned the new 200-ruble banknote because it shows images from the annexed territory of the Crimea. "The National Bank of Ukraine said the ban covered all Russian currencies showing "maps, symbols, buildings, monuments" and other objects "based in Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia".This means the 200-ruble note will not be converted into local currency by Russians who travel to Ukraine.

Steven Friday 13 October 2017 at 08:49 am | | news
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