Is Jane Austen the new face for the 10 pound note?

After the Bank of England announced that Sir Winston Churchill would be the next 'head' on the 5 pound note, all hell has broken loose. Not so much over Churchill but on the abscence of a woman on any of the English banknotes. Women's Rights groups, feminists, politicians: all of them are using their influence to get a woman back on an English banknote.

Now, outgoing Governor Sir Mervyn King has hinted that novelist Jane Austen (1775-1817) might be the next historical figure who will appear on a 10 pound banknote. The author of works like Pride and Prejudice is "quietly waiting in the wings" according to Mervyn King.

The way the Bank's money-printing system works is that there are always two versions of a banknote "running in parallel" - the one in circulation, and a back-up note in case there are problems. The reserve figure on that second note often becomes the figure on the following note, he explained - revealing that in the case of the £10 note featuring Charles Darwin, the back-up is Austen.

King's successor as Governor Mark Carney will decide if Jane Austen is indeed the next figure on the 10 pound note. When that will be decided is unknown at this moment.

Steven Tuesday 25 June 2013 at 2:50 pm | | news
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