New additions week 5 - 2014

Four new banknotes this week, including a set with EVERY banknote ever issued by a single country! How is that possible? They are of course from the country of Liechtenstein. The small alpine country between Switzerland and Austria has only issued three banknotes in its existence: a 10, 20 and 50 heller note in 1920. These notes (P1-3) are very small but show a nice drawing on the back of castles and town sites in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein is also the 202nd country added to my collection!

The fourth new banknote is a nostalgic one because I used to pay with it. It's the 25 gulden from The Netherlands. This last issue of the 25 gulden from 1989 (P100) is a fine example of the beauty and design of the dutch banknotes in the past, this one designed by Jaap Drupsteen. Yes, I do miss these notes so I'm glad I could add one to my collection this week.

Steven Woensdag 29 Januari 2014 - 08:32 am | | new additions
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