New additions week 15 - 2016

A reader of my website send me a pic of this note asking me if I knew what it was. My idea was that it's so called Hell Money, or 'banknotes' which are burned for the afterlife. From the Wikipedia article on the subject: "A story says that the word hell was introduced to China by Christian missionaries, who preached that all non-Christian Chinese people would "go to hell" after death. The word "Hell" was thus misinterpreted to be the proper English term for the afterlife and hence adopted as such. Some printed notes attempt to correct this by omitting the word "hell" and sometimes replacing it with "heaven" or "paradise"."

I have tried to find some more information on this particular note (its age for instance) but I haven't been able to find good online resources for these questions. Nor do I know if people collect these kind of notes and which varieties are available. So if you might have more information please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks to Hugo for providing me with this interesting note!

Steven Maandag 25 April 2016 - 11:44 am | | new additions
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