Honduras: coins for low denomination banknotes?

The Central Bank of Honduras is examining the possibility of replacing the denominations of 1-, 2- and 5-lempiras notes with coins.

Because the buying power of the lempiras has worsened, more and more higher denominations are being used. The existing coins of 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 50-cents are almost worthless. While at the same time the cost of maintaing the lower denominations has increased. Coins have a longer life and don't have to be replaced as often as banknotes. Also the cost of minting is lower than the printing of banknotes.

The final decision will be made in 2017 when a new series of banknotes and coins will be issued.

Steven Woensdag 18 Mei 2016 - 2:14 pm | | news
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