Israel presents 20- and 100-new shekels notes

The Bank of Israel has made public what the design of the new 20- and 100-new shekels banknotes will be. An exact issue date hasn't been given yet but it could be at the end of 2017.

The front of the 20-new shekels note (129 mm x 71 mm) shows an image of Rachel the Poetess (Bluwstein), palm tree branches and in microtext the poem "Kinneret". The back of the note depicts a vista of the Sea of Galilee shoreline and a segment from the poem  “Perhaps it was nothing…”.

The front of the 100-new shekels note (143 mm x 71 mm) shows Leah Goldberg, almond tree blossoms and the poem: “In the land of my love the almond tree blossoms”. The back shows a group of gazelles and a segment from the poem “White days”.

Steven Woensdag 01 Februari 2017 - 12:29 pm | | news
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