New additions week 12 - 2017

I recently visited my local brick and mortar store to get new plastic sheets for banknotes (I always use Leuchtturm Vario 3C by the way) but I couldn't pass the 1-euro bin without looking at the notes. For some reason I always find something wedged between some raggedy old notes. This day was no exception since there were a lot of new notes recently added. 

The harvest of this week:

  • Romania - 1 lei (P117d)
  • Czech Republic - 20 korun (P10a)
  • Thailand - 20 baht (p124a1)
  • Mexico - 20 pesos (P122k1)
  • Russia - 100 rubles (P13b.c01 and proving that size does matter)
  • France - Chambre de Commerce Marseille - 50 centimes (PNL)
Steven Zaterdag 25 Maart 2017 - 4:41 pm | | new additions

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